Monday 14 November 2011

Bintan Trip Updates


Please be reminded:
1) To report at Deyi Sec on 21 Nov 2011 at 645am. Attire PT Kit (Unit T). Remember to bring passport.

2) Bring the items listed in the briefing handout given during the briefing. T-shirts to be used during the trip must be school t-shirt (i.e. PE t-shirt, CCA t-shirt or class t-shirt)

3) On last day after the morning adventure activity, can change to civilian clothes to return back to Singapore.

4) Expected to be dismissed at Deyi Sec on 23 Nov 2011 at 8pm.

Saturday 5 November 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

if you know that you haven't handed in your result slip, consent forms(CL Course, Drill Course, CCA Orientation) and excuse letter remember to bring it the next CL course training.

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage
Dear Sec 2s,

this is the last time that i going to post this on the blog how the excuse letter should be! They must be:

1) A4 size( don't give A5 etc)
2) Name of student
3) Reason
4) Name of parent
5) Parent contact number
6) Parent signature
7) One date per letter!

If you miss out any of this, we just reject your excuse letter and ask you to write a new excuse letter.

Those people still own us excuse letter are:
-Kayu(22/10, 29/10)
-Yong xiang(29/10) Yong Xiang your excuse letter we reject because you never write your parent number.
-Ying Rui(22/10)
-You Yi(22/10)

Those people who haven't hand in their consent form(CL Course):
-Si Jie
-Ying Rui
-Wei Qi

Those people hand in their CCA orientation are:
-Wei Qi
-Yong Xiang
(The rest never hand in. By next CL Course training pass it to Zhi Guang sir)

Haven't hand in their result slip are:
-Kang Wei
-Daryl Choy
-Jit Kuang
-Wai Jie
-Daryl Goh

Haven't hand in the drill course:

Every thing by next CL course training(18/11/11) hand in

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Monday 31 October 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

do take note that there will be CL course starting this Friday(4/11/2011). You guys must not absent yourself. If you get 80% and below you are out of the course. Do some calculation, you have 7 sessions. Those people who haven't pass out their MC/excuse letter, consent form and result slip to us, by this coming Friday pass it to us if not you will know the consequences.

Last training you guys officially became a CL Trainee now work hard on your CL course and your CL camp. Work hard to achieve you goal.

You guys will surely survive and had fun at the end of the day IF you had the right mentality. All the best on your CL course and camp!

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Monday 24 October 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

do take note that there is training this coming Saturday(29/10/11).

Those people need to give MC/Excuse letter for 22/10/11 are:
1) Daryl Choy
2) Joyce
3) Kristofer
4) Kai Tat
5) Tristan
6) Jeremy
7) Ying Rui
8) You Yi
9) Atirah

For 15/10/11 are:
1) Daryl Goh
2) Kristofer

In the future if you are sick/injure do come for training if is just a small minor injury or having a little headache you guys still MUST come. We will let you stand aside and at the same time you will learn. For an example last Saturday your squadmate Yong Xiang, had a leg pain but in the end he came for his training. Those people had a valid reason are excuse. Like oversea trip, had a high fever (touch wood) etc.

You guys still got one more training to your CL course if this is the kind of attendance and attitude that you guys going to give us, you can forget about being a CL or even a CL trainee.

For Saturday training bring your:
1) Full-u and PT-Kit
2) Water bottle
3) Writing Material and black file
4) Breakfast

Things to take note:
1) Fall in 0725 at Quadrangle in your Full-u
2) Put your bag at the side of the parade square.
3) Check your uniform before you guys fall in.
4) Study your Discipline and Responsibility lecture at your E-Learning account.

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Monday 17 October 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

please note that there will be training this coming Saturday(22/10/11).

Do revise on your own MOI Campcraft(6 Men Tent) and your MOI Drills (Marching).

Daryl Goh, Kristofer, Yoges and Eugenia bring your MC/excuse letter on 22/10/2011 why you guys never come for Saturday(15/10/2011) training.

Things to take note:
1) Bring Full-u and PT-Kit(Crest T)
2) Bring Breakfast, black file and water bottle
3) Fall in 0725 at Quadrangle in your Full-u

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Thursday 13 October 2011

Training resume on 15 October 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

training will resume on 15 October 2011(Saturday) and also there will be training this coming Saturday(15/10/2011)
Things to take note:
1) Bring your Full u and PT-Kit(Crest-T)
2) Bring your breakfast.
3) Bring your water bottle(Ice mountain)
4) Bring your writing material.
5) Fall in 0725 at quadrangle in your full u.
6) Put your bags at the side of the quadrangle.

Cut your hair and your nails if you need to. You know our standard.

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Training Resumes on 15Oct

Sec 2s,

1) Remember to get your uniforms ready, hair and nails cut.
2) It is the commencement of the CL Prep Course. Start to build up your mental and physical resilience too.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

do take note that our unit has stand down our weekly training for semester 2 until further notice.

Do take note of the date again
1) Dry shoot at HTA on 12 September 2011
2) Live shoot at HTA on 15 September 2011
3) Make up SANA course for Atirah and Kristofer on 24 October 2011

You guys have more than 1 month to study so use your time wisely. Wish you guys all the best for your end of year exams!

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Saturday 3 September 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

there will be Police Knowledge on Monday(5/9/2011) so things to take note:

1) Bring Full-u and Mufti (Crest tee)
2) Bring writing material
3) Bring water bottle(ice mountain)
4) fall in 0745 at brick road in your full u.


Friday 2 September 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

during the old ford factory visit hope you guys have learn more about World War 2 don't just go there in order to get your Total Defence Silver. Go there learn something and maybe you guys can tell your classmates or your parents about World War 2.

Some comments about your behavior: When going to board the bus is suppose to be 2 straight rows, you guys give us 1 "snake" row. Sec 2 already don't make me tell you guys to hold each other hands to board the bus.

On the bus you guys behave like monkeys! Shout here, shout there think what? A fish market? You guys going to be CL T still behave like a sec 1. Don't make me tell you guys put your finger on your lip. Even though you guys are not wearing crest tee doesn't mean you guys can fool around. You guys are still wearing the school uniform representing our school!

let me tell you the different about the Sec 1 squad and your squad. The Sec 1 first time going out for a trip, their behavior same as you guys but when the instruction were given to them to lower down their volume, they actually did. But when the CIs or CLs tell you guys to lower down the volume, did you guys actually did it? Yes, you guys did BUT only like 5 minutes then started talking like nobody business. All I have to say is your squad need to work on the PICARD!

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Monday 15 August 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

This coming Friday(19/8/11) and Saturday(20/8/11) there is training.


Things to take note:
1) Bring Full u, PT-Kit, Writing material and water bottle.
2) Fall in 1330 at Brick Road in your Full u
3) Bring along your Ice mountain when you guys fall in.


Hey those who didn't make it for their MOI, turnout and bearing or general skills, Zhi Guang sir will post what are the things that you guys need to improve. Earliest is by today(15/8/11) or latest this coming Wednesday(17/8/11). Come for your Friday training, we going to help you guys to pass your 2nd class. Take care of yourself don't get yourself hurt during this week and in the future.

Things to take note:
1) Bring your full u( Tip top condition), PT-Kit and Ice mountain.
2) Fall in 725 at Brick Road in your Full u.
3) Call those people who haven't come yet.
4) Bring your Breakfast.

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Saturday 13 August 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

today I saw you guys putting efforts for your 2nd class drill tests, keep it up with the attitude BUT your WOC is next week so the test is still not over yet. Do take care of yourself and have a plenty of rest. Don't eat things that will make you lose your voice during this week if not you guys can't pass your WOC.

Those people who failed their MOI, turnout and bearing and general skills, don't get too sad you guys will be having retest this coming Saturday. You guys just need to work extra hard then the rest.
I sure you guys can pass. If you think you can pass, you can.( Don't be over confident.) If you think you can't then you must!( Believe in yourself.)

The following people who failed their MOI are:
1) Joyce
2) Jordan
3) Wai Jie
4) Jeremy
5) Tristen
6) Ying Rui
7) Atirah

The following people who failed their turnout and bearing are:
1) Yong Xiang
2) Jit Kuang
3) Darly Goh
4) Kristofer
5) Zhen Xun
6) Mogan
7) Wai Jie
8) Jeremy

The following people who failed their general skills are:
1) Mogan
2) Jeremy
3) Zhen Xun
4) Darly Goh
5) Jit Kuang
6) Kristofer

For the rest of you who passed don't be complacent you guys still have your WOC.
Do practice on your own.
If you guys have any questions, you guys may look for your CLs or the CIs.

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Thursday 11 August 2011

2nd Class Drills Commands

Dear Sec 2s,

As you know this coming Saturday will be your 2nd Class Drill test, Please revise at home, so that on Saturday you will not have any trouble if there is any question you can question us about MOI or WOC tomorrow. The below picture is the list of command and the English meaning. Good Luck for the test.
Double Click the image to enlarge and save it as image, In total there is 4 images.


Tuesday 9 August 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

This coming Saturday will be your 2nd class drill test so get yourself prepare. Uniform must be in tip top condition. If you forget to bring any of your uniform parts you will ZERO for your uniform inspection and fail your 2nd class! Hair and nail long go get it cut! Anything not sure you can go look for your CLs including me. Go and memorize your sizing command, is a compulsory for your WOC.

Things to take note:
1) Bring your Full u and PT-Kit(Crest Tee)
2) Bring ice mountain water bottle
3) Bring breakfast
4) Fall in 0730 in your full u at quadrangle.
5) Put your bags at the side of the quadrangle.

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Monday 1 August 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

take note that there will be training this coming Friday(5/8/11) and Saturday(6/8/11)

Things to take note:
1) Fall in 1330 at Brick road in your Full u
2) Bring Full u
3) Bring PT-Kit( PE-T)
4) Bring Water bottle
5) Excuse letter/MC (Those people who own us)


Things to take note:
1) Put your bags at the side of the quadrangle.
2) Fall in 0730 at quadrangle in your Full u
3) bring Full u
4) Bring PT-Kit(Crest-T)
5) Bring water bottle

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Saturday 30 July 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

please note that you guys will be going for Training Village this coming Wednesday(3/8/11)

Prepare your Full-u.

Bring your PT-Kit and water bottle.

Fall in 1330 in your Full u at Brick Road. The activity will end around 1630.

Hope to see you guys there!

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Monday 25 July 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

please note that there will be Service Day this coming Wednesday( 27/07/2011)
Things to take note:

1) Fall in 1430 at Brick Road in your Full u
2) Bring Ice mountain
3) Bring consent form
4) Bring Full-u and PT-Kit

Friday(29/07/2011) and Saturday(30/07/2011) there will be training as well

Drill Team, things to take note:
1) Fall in 1330 in your Pt Kit top PE Tee at Brick Road
2) Bring water bottle
3) Bring Full-U
4) Bring PT-Kit PE Tee

Sec 2s, things to take note:
1) Fall in 0630 in your Half-u top Crest T at Brick Road
2) Bring your Full-u
3) Bring PT-Kit
4) Bring water bottle.

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Friday 22 July 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

this is how the excuse letter should be they must be

1) A4 size( don't give A5 etc)
2) Name of student
3) Reason
4) Name of parent
5) Parent contact number
6) Parent signature
7) One date per letters!

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

there will be training this coming Saturday(23/07/2011)

1) Fall in 0730 at Brick Road in your Full u
2) Bring your water bottle and Breakfast

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Monday 18 July 2011

Dear Sec 2,

please note that there will be NO training this Friday(22/7/2011).

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Monday 11 July 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

please note that there will be training this Friday(15/7/2011) and Saturday(16/7/2011). Call your squad mate to come for training if not you guys will get punishment as what you promise us last training.

Things to take note:
1)Fall in 1330 at Brick road in your full-u
2)Bring PT-Kit(PE-Tee)
3)Bring water bottle

Things to take note:
1)Fall in 0730 at quadrangle in your Full-u
2)Bring PT-Kit(Crest Tee)
3)Bring writing material
4)Water Bottle

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Drill Competition training, Drill competition Prelim and Saturday training

Dear Sec 2s,

there will be training(For drill com people) this coming Friday(8/7/2011)

Things to take note:
1) Fall in 1330 in your full u at Brick Road
2) Bring your PT-Kit(top PE Tee)
3) Those boys hair long one go CUT your hair
4) Bring ice mountain water bottle


Sec 2 Drill competition participants:
fall in 0645 at Brick road in your Full-u.
Bring PT-Kit top Crest tee. bring along your water bottle and breadfast!

As for the rest of the sec 2 cadets:
Fall in 0730 at parade square in your Full-u. Bring your PT-Kit top Crest tee, writing material, water bottle, branches, dry leaves and your breadfast


Saturday 2 July 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

this will be your up-coming events for this month
1) 8/7/11- Drill Competition training
2) 9/7/11- Drill Competition Prelim and Saturday training
3) 15/7/11- Normal training
4) 16/7/11- Normal training
5) 22/7/11- Road Safety Duty
6) 23/7/11- No training
7) 27/7/11- NPCC Service Day
8) 29/7/11- No training
9) 30/7/11- Normal training

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Monday 27 June 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

please note that there will be training this Friday(1/7/2011) and Saturday(2/7/2011)

Attire: Full u and PT-Kit
Reporting time: 1330
Dismissal time: 1830
Venue: Brick Road
Things to bring:
1)Water bottle(ice mountain and label it with your name)
2)Writing material
3)Those girls haven't pass your long pants bring it on Friday
4)Your result slip.

Attire: Full-u and PT-Kit
Reporting time: 0730
Dismissal time: 1330
Venue: Quadrangle
Things to bring:
1)Writing material
2) Water bottle(Ice mountain)


Sunday 19 June 2011

Inter-Unit Drill Competition Training

Dear Sec 2s,

please take note that there will be training starting tomorrow(20/6/2011) until this coming Friday(24/06/2011). 20-23 June 2011 will be half day. 24 June 2011 will be full day.

Fall in 0730 in your PT-Kit at Brick Road.

Things to bring for tomorrow(20/06/2011)
1) Bring PT-Kit( Top PE tee) and Full-u
2) Your ICE-MOUNTAIN water bottle(Label it with your name)

Cut your hair and nails
Remember our goal is to get TOP FIVE!

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Dear Sec 2,

please note that you guys will be having Civil Defence(CD) tomorrow(6/8/2011).

Things to take note:
1) Attire PT-Kit(Crest tee)
2) Reporting time 0730
3) Fall in at Brick Road
4) Bring along your writing material
5) Bring your lunch money
6) Kristofer BRING your FORMS that you own us and your excuse letter/MC for not coming for SANA.
7) Bring your WATER BOTTLE IF NOT you guys should know what will happen to you guys if u never bring and LABEL it with your NAME!

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Dear Sec 2,

please note that tomorrow there is ATC, so fall in 1pm at parade square in your PT-Kit top pe tee. Have your lunch first! Also there will be a bag check so don't bring ILLEGAL STUFF. Attendance is compulsory. Cut your hair! NO trolley bag! lastly have a good rest tonight. Tomorrow will be a long day for you guys.

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Sunday 29 May 2011

Dear sec 2,

there is SANA course on tomorrow(30/05/2011) so remember to bring your writing material, water bottle and those people who haven't handed in their consent forms(ATC, SANA and Civil Defence) please do so by tomorrow(30/05/2011).

Reporting time: 0730
Attire: Pt-Kit top Crest Tee
Venue: Brick Road

3-5 June will be your ATC. Go there and behave yourself. Please standardize your attire and water bottle( label it with your name!) Trolley Bag are NOT allow!

Reporting time: 1300
Attire: Pt-Kit top PE Tee
Venue: Brick Road

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Dear Sec 2s,
As you all know, you guys are going to be CLs soon. It's time for you to pick up the skills of being a CL.

There is training on this coming Friday (27 May 2011)

Attire: Full U and PT - Kit (PE T-Shirt)
Venue: Brick Road
Reporting Time: 1330
Dismissal Time: 1830
Bring along water bottle, writing materials (lecture book and black file), consent forms and excuse letters.

Firstly,standardize your things. Even SMALL DETAILS.
Secondly, you guys are going to be CLs set high standards for yourselves.

SGT (NPCC) Wu Jia Ge

Monday 16 May 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

it has been a month since you guys have training together. Hope that u guys don't forget what we taught you the last few trainings. Anyway I hope that you guys did well for exams. Now exams over back to training.

As you know that this coming Friday(20/05/2011) there will be NPCC day so get your uniform in a tip top condition and your badges put it neatly, polish your boots! and fall in at 7am in your Full-U at brick road. Don't be late!

There will be training this Friday(20/05/2011) and Saturday(21/05/2011)


Attire: Full U and Pt-Kit
Reporting time: 1330
Dismissal time: 1830
Venue: Brick Road
Bring along your ice mountain water bottle


Attire: Full U and Pt-Kit
Reporting time: 0730
Dismissal time: 1330
Venue: Quadrangle
Bring along your ice mountain water bottle and your writing material.

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Thursday 5 May 2011


Dear Sec 2s,

Please ensure that you are availiable to attend courses for the following dates.

30 May - Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association Course

3 - 5 June - Adventure Training Camp

8 June - Civil Defence Course

Attendance is COMPULSORY.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

please take note that CCA will stand down from 18/04/2011 onwards. Training will resume after exam. Lastly study hard and all the best in your exam!

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Monday 18 April 2011

Unit Standown

Dear Sec 2s,

Please take note that all NPCC activities will stand down with effect from 18 April 2011.

Trainings will resume after the examinations.

Do study hard and prepare well for your upcoming examinations.

I wish all of you the best of luck for your examinations.

All The Best!

CI(NPCC) Ryan Ng

Monday 11 April 2011

Dear sec 2s,

please take note that there will be training this coming Friday(15/4/2011)

Attire: Full u and PT-Kit
Reporting time: 1330
Dismissal time: 1830
Venue: Brick Road
Bring along your ice mountain water bottle.

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Monday 4 April 2011

Dear sec 2s,

please take note that there will be training this Friday(8/4/2011) and Saturday(9/4/2011)

Attire: Full-u and PT-Kit
Reporting time: 1330
Dismissal time: 1830
Venue: Brick Road
Bring along your ice mountain water bottle.

Attire: Full u and PT-Kit
Reporting time: 0730
Dismissal time: 1330
Venue: Quadrangle
Bring along your ice mountain water bottle. If you all have anythings for the SCLs like cards or posters etc to give them for their passing out you all may bring and give it to them.

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Monday 28 March 2011

Dear sec 2s,

Please take note that there will be training this Saturday(2/4/2011)

Attire: Full u and PT-Kit
Reporting time: 0730
Dismissal time: 1330
Venue: Quadrangle
Bring along your writing material and your ice mountain water bottle.

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Monday 21 March 2011

Dear sec 2s,

please take note that there will be waterpolo yeoman duty on this coming Wednesday(23/03/2011).

NPAP participants are excused from this duty to attend their parade training.

Attire will be your Full NPCC uniform and PT-Kit top crest tee. Release from your class at 0915. Fall in at brick road in your full u at 0930.

There will be training this coming Friday(25/03/2011) and Saturday(26/03/2011).


Attire: Full NPCC Uniform and PT-Kit
Reporting time: 1330
Dismissal time: 1830
Venue: Brick Road
Bring along your water bottle


Attire: Full NPCC Uniform and Pt Kit
Reporting time: 0730
Dismissal time: 1330
Venue: Quadrangle
Bring along your water bottle

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Dear sec 2,

please take note that there will be no training this coming Friday(18/03/2011) and Saturday(19/03/2011).

Take care and rest well!

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Sunday 13 March 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

you all have done a good job on your campfire performance.

Please take note that there will be your shooting tomorrow(14/3/2011).

Attire: Pt Kit
Reporting time: 0800
Dismissal time: 1200
Venue: Quadrangle

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Dear Sec 2

Those who are not involved in any event during the sports day will be on duty so please bring your HALF-U with BERET IF YOU ARE NOT INVOLVED IN ANY EVENT .Top is CREST TEE and please reach Yio Chu Kang stadium at 7.15am.

Also please be reminded that there will be campfire this coming Saturday, 12 March. Remember to prepare your campfire preformance and reach the school by 6.30pm. Attire is PT-Kit.

SGT(NPCC) Tan Yu Jun

Monday 7 March 2011

Dear Sec 2,

Please take note that there will be Swearing-In Ceremony and Area Games Day this coming Wednesday( 09/03/2011). This coming Saturday(12/03/2011) there will be campfire night.
Hope to see your performance during the campfire.

Attire: Full U and PT-Kit
Reporting time: 1430
Dismissal time: 1830
Venue: Brick Road

Attire: PT-Kit
Reporting time:1830
Dismissal time: 2130
Venue: Quadrangle

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Monday 28 February 2011

Dear sec 2s,

There will be training this Friday(4/03/2011) and Saturday(5/03/2011)

Attire: Full u and PT-Kit
Reporting Time: 1330
Dismissal Time: 1830
Venue: Brick Road
Bring along your water bottle.
For any additional information please refer to NPCC notice board.

Attire: Full u and PT-Kit
Reporting time: 0730
Dismissal time: 1330
Venue: Brick Road
Bring along your water bottle.
For any additional information please refer to NPCC notice board.

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Training on 25 and 26 Feb

Training on 25th Feb:

Training on 26th Feb:

Its coming to the end of Feb, hope to see your squad improve further.
See you guys during training.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

Please note that there will be training this coming Saturday(19/02/2011)
Attire: Full NPCC Uniform and PT-Kit
Reporting time: 0730
Dismissal time: 1330
Venue: Quadrangle
Bring along your water bottle.
For any additional information please refer to NPCC notice board.

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

Please note that there will be training this coming Friday(11/02/2011) and Saturday(12/02/2011).
Attire: Full NPCC Uniform and PT-Kit
Reporting Time: 1330 hours
Dismissal Time: 1900 hours
Venue: Brick road
Bring alone your water bottle.
For any additional information please refer to NPCC Notice Board.

Attire: Full NPCC Uniform and PT-Kit
Reporting Time: 0730 hours
Dismissal Time: 1330 hours
Venue: Brick road
Bring alone your water bottle.
For any additional information please refer to NPCC Notice Board.

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Monday 31 January 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

Please take note that there will be NO training this Friday(4/2/2011) and Saturday(5/2/2011)


Tuesday 25 January 2011

Please note that there is training this coming Friday(28/1/2011) and Saturday(29/1/2011)
Attire: Full NPCC Uniform and Pt-Kit
Reporting time: 1330 hours
Dismissal time: 1830 hours
Venue: Brick Road
Bring along your water bottle.
For any additional information plaese refer to the NPCC Notice Board.

Attire:Full NPCC Uniform and Pt-Kit
Reporting time: 0730 hours
Dismissal Time: 1330 Hours
Venue: Brick Road
Bring along your water bottle.
For any additional information please refer to the NPCC Notice Board.

Monday 17 January 2011

Dear Secondary 2 cadets,

Please take note that there will be no training this Friday (21/01/2011) and Saturday (22/01/2010)

SGT(NPCC) Wu Jiage

Monday 10 January 2011

Dear Secondary 2 Cadets,

Please note that you have training on this coming Saturday (15/01/11).
Attire: Full Uniform & PT-Kit
Reporting Time: 0730 hours
Dismissal Time: 1330 hours
Venue: Brick Road
Bring along your waterbottle.
For any additional information please refer to the NPCC Notice Board.
CI(NPCC) Ryan Ng

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Dear Sec 2s,

I would like to welcome all of you back to us in this new year of 2011.

All of you are now Sec 2s, and with the incoming batch of Sec 1s, all of you are now their SENIORS.

With this, I hope that you will all push TOGETHER towards a brand new standard of Discipline to showcase to your incoming juniors.

Talking about showcasing, it is also the time to practice on your Drills & Campcraft.

I think it’s time to put the past weaknesses behind and gear up to push forward as a squad.

Look forward to what that awaits you, look back only to learn from the mistakes of the past.

After all, Life is what's coming...not what was.

So let us all, gear up, work hard and most importantly enjoy the year ahead, TOGETHER AS ONE.

CI (NPCC) Ryan Ng

Dear Secondary 2 cadets,

Please note that you all have training on Thursday, Friday and Saturday(06/01/2011, 07/01/2011 and 08/01/2011)


Time (hrs)





1400 – 1830

CCA Orientation Parade Training


Brick Road


1400 – 1830

CCA Orientation Preparation


Brick Road


0700 – 1430

CCA Orientation


Brick Road

Attire: Full U and PT Kit (Top is PE T)
Time to fall in:1400h(Thursday and Friday) 0700h(Saturday)
Time of dismissal:1830h(Thursday and Friday) 1430h(Saturday)
Venue to fall in:Brick Road
Bring along:Water Bottle
Note: CCA Orientation top is UNIT T

SSGT (Koh Boon Xiang)